Family Roots Project

In our rapidly evolving global landscape, individuals, especially students, often find themselves detached from their ancestral roots and cultural heritage. This disconnection poses a significant challenge as it can lead to a lack of identity, diminished appreciation for diversity, and weakened family bonds. At the RIAH EDUCATION SUMMIT in 2023, a prominent concern highlighted was the erosion of traditional values and culture in Africa as the current educational system, often focused on academic achievements, frequently neglects that crucial aspect. In response to these challenges, the Family Roots Project seeks to address the pressing need for a transformative journey that reconnects students with their ancestral heritage, exploring and learning about their family history and cultural background.

Importance of the Project

  • By engaging in activities such as interviewing family members, researching genealogy records, and creating a family tree, students can establish a deeper connection to their roots. 

  • Understanding one’s family history can provide a sense of identity and belonging, fostering a greater appreciation for the richness of cultural diversity. 

  • Through the Family Roots Project, students can also strengthen their family bonds by sharing stories, traditions, and experiences with their loved ones. 

  • This project does not only benefit the individual students but also contributes to creating a more inclusive and culturally aware society.

At this time, when societies are becoming more interconnected yet culturally diverse, understanding and appreciating one’s roots become imperative. The project recognizes the importance of instilling a strong sense of identity in students, which not only contributes to their personal development but also fosters a more inclusive and understanding society.



Project Participants:

Target Age Group – Students (Teenagers) aged 13-19.

Student participants – Minimum 15,000 (Minimum of 50 students per school)

School category – Cut across all secondary schools

Project Stages

1st Stage

School / Teachers Entry

Schools and teachers express interest for the project.

2nd Stage

Teachers Training

Teachers undergo training and are equipped with essential skills and tools for effective project implementation.

3rd Stage

Introduction of Project to Students

Familiarize students with the project, its objectives, and expected outcomes.

4th Stage

Project Implementation & Guide

Students conduct interviews and create multimedia presentations guided by the provided workbook.

5th Stage

Project Submission

Students submit their final projects for evaluation.

Final Stage

Evaluation & Prize Presentation

Evaluate projects based on creativity, cultural significance, and depth. Recognize and reward outstanding projects in a ceremony


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For Africa to develop and transform herself, her citizens must know who they are, they must be proud of their heritage, intellectually attuned to the needs of the community and world at large, and have the capacity to lead transformatively. Read More

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